Tuesday, December 13, 2011

World Bank: Urban Risk assessment - An Approach for Understanding Disaster and Climate Risk in Cities

Urban Risk assessment

Excerpted from the Executive Summary

The rapid and often unplanned expansion of cities is exposing a greater number of people and economic assets to the risk of disasters and the effects of climate change. For city
governments, increased climate variability imposes additional challenges to effective urban management and the delivery of key services, while for residents it increasingly affects their lives and livelihoods due to a greater frequency floods, landslides, heat waves, droughts or fires.  There is an urgent need for cities to consider the issues of disaster and climate change by streamlining assessments of related risks in their planning and management processes and delivery of services....

1 comment:

  1. Really nice and informative post. If somebody thinking that his system is completely safe, it is time you get the assessment done. There are loopholes existing in even complicated system that you follow and so meaningful use risk assessment become very important.
